Pioneers in providing Govt. School preparatory Courses In S’pore

Bristol School is a leading education service providor in Singapore for a wide range of educational programmees catering to students and professionals from many countries around the world such as Thailand, China, South Korea, Vietnam, India and Sri Lanka. Our objective is to ensure that our students obtain successful quality education. Our understanding of the students needs has enabled us to deliver a range of courses that promise to give our students maximum mileage in their chosen fields of study.

Being the pioneers to offer Government School entry Preparatory course, generations of students have since benefitted from the world class education system of the public schools of singapore. The preparatoy programme prepares your child for the Singapore Schools placement test conducted by the ministry of education. Our caring and dedicated teachers are from Singapore’s mainstream schools and they understand the demands of the local curriculum. Students receive intensive communication skills training during a full day time table which covers English Mathematics and Science. Small class sizes will ensure the child gets all the personalised attention he or she needs in order to succeeds.
While the Bristol Experience awaits you, we wish you the best in your Education Endeavour.
Why Singapore?
Education has always been the key in the growth and development of Singapore society, particularly in the years following 1965 when it became an independent republic. Now in the 21st century, where the knowledge-based economy is the driver in the global community, education has become even more critical in shaping our country’s future. At the same time, through education, every individual can realise his/her full potential to benefit the community, nation, and lead a personally fulfilling life.
By being in Singapore, you will get a chance to be plugged into an education system that promotes excellence and be part of a progressive, cosmopolitan community.
Why Bristol School?
If you are planning a long term education for your child, we at Bristol can help you from Pre School Education up to G. C. E. Advance Level and beyond. Since 2007 we have successfully placed over 30 Sri Lankan students from Pre-school to Secondary three to Singapore Government Schools.
The testimonials of successful students and their parents are the strength that we carry forward for our future endeavours.
• Are you one of the many students who do not know what to do after A/L exams?
• Do you wish to pursue a lucrative career in the world’s fastest growing industry - tourism and hospitality?
• Do you know that globally the demand for educated, Trained and skilled personnel in the hospitality industry far exceed the supply?
• In the developed world such as Australia, New Zealand, USA, Singapore, and United Kingdom demand for skilled hospitality industry staff keeps growing year on year?

If you are ready to take off in one of the most lucrative careers that enhance your knowledge and skills to have a better quality of life..............................we have the plan
• Join one of the leading business colleges in Singapore offering Hotel Management, Tourism Management and Food & Beverage service courses with guaranteed on the Job paid training and assurance of job placement service after completing diploma or advanced Diploma.
• Special course fees and additional benefits are on offer for Sri Lankans students for the February/March Intake.
• Opportunity to study one or two years in Singapore and transfer to Australian, British and Switzerland Universities to complete the Bachelors Degree with guaranteed paid Internship.
• At Bristol School students do not IELTS, sponsors and also there is no age limit
Spot admissions with special offers will be conducted by representatives from Singapore from January 5 to 15 In Colombo and from January 16 to 19 in Kandy.
Airport pick up accommodation will be arranged by the college student affairs office.

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